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Eyelid Lift Specialist

Best Impression Med Spa

Medical Spa located in Blue Bell, PA


Eyelid Lift Q & A

Blepharoplasty is more commonly known as cosmetic eyelid surgery. Typically, this surgery treats excess skin and fatty deposits involving the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. Patients desiring blepharoplasty usually complain of droopy eyelids, puffy eyelids, or bags beneath their eyes. Some patients who undergo eyelid lift may also consider facelift surgery or Botox injections.

Cosmetic eye surgery is a good option for patients who:

  • Are physically healthy and free from any life-threatening illness or disease
  • Have realistic expectations and motivations for surgery
  • Complain of heaviness of their eyelids or bags beneath their eyes

Medical conditions that require consideration before eyelid surgery:

  • Glaucoma, retinal detachment, dry eye, history of prior eye or eyelid surgeries
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Heart disease, diabetes, or cardiovascular complications

The blepharoplasty procedure can be performed under either general or local anesthesia. Usually, the procedure can be completed in 2 hours if the patient desires treatment for both the upper and lower eyelids. Incisions are made in the upper eyelid crease and just beneath the lower eyelashes, or in the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. These incisions are known to heal very well and are difficult to see within 2-3 months after surgery.

After surgery, patients traditionally return to seated work within a few days. Patients with more strenuous jobs may return to work in 1 week. Sutures are removed in 1 week. Aerobic exercises without impact (stationary bicycle or elliptical machine) are permitted after 2 weeks. Full strenuous activities begin in 4-6 weeks. Results may vary.

Patients who undergo cosmetic eyelid surgery are usually very pleased. The eyes are one of the first areas of the face that show aging. Blepharoplasty surgery is designed to leave the patient looking better rested, more alert, and quite a bit younger.

Schedule Your Eyelid Lift Consultation Today

Eyelid lift surgery can help men and women achieve a youthful, refreshed appearance. If you are unhappy with signs of aging around your eyes, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mirabile, and Dr. Hsu today to learn more about your treatment options. During your consultation, you can learn more about the many surgical and minimally invasive procedures we offer, including laser skin resurfacing, filler, and brown spot treatment.